Mysterious sea creature found

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ever thought the Loch Ness Monster was just a hoax? Check out this pic of a rotting "sea serpent" carcass captured by the Japanese fishing boat, the Zuiyo-Maru just off the coast of New Zealand.

Loving it!

The mysteries of the creations of God never cease to amaze me.

Oh by the way Symon, here's an interesting thing you should research... Chupacabra. Puts bigfoot to shame I reckon


Stephen said...

Why do all the photos of these things have to be blurry and grainy??

Symon said...

Decomposing basking shark remains ;-)

Rachel Kate said...

coz they're probably fake and photo-shopped tehehe

Rachel Kate said...

Did you look up the Chupacabra Symz? It's pretty trippy aye. The myth of the goat-sucker

Symon said...

Yep. Me and Chupacabra go way back.

Crytozoology and weird stuff don't interest me that much, as you can tell by my arts and crafts blog.

Rachel Kate said...

im with jon... LOL symz!

Anonymous said...

Dude - that's the spawn of the Cloverfield monsta!!!

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