Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A picture paints a thousand words...

What is it with me and cars?

I arrived at my car parked in its usual spot in Hatea Drive Car Park to find an empty glove box with stuff strewn all over the floor of my car. Must have been a male thief as all the girly things I had in my car (shoes, tissues, tampons, panadol, perfume, etc) were still there. Although, they didn't take my guitar amp which was in my boot! They were probably dumb and set the alarm off haha. So all's well and waiting on insurance to get back to me so I don't have to pay for window to get fixed. Oh the endless Joys of life...


Symon said...

I counted 124 words in your 'Wordless' post. Alas... who can understand the mind of a woman?

Symon said...

Bummer about the break in too BTW.

Symon said...

"Must have been a male thief..." Meh. Name one female thief that you know that steels tampons ;-)

Rachel Kate said...

hahaha hay it got a reaction right :) yup i know. i can't understand the female mind.

and you know, that female thief just might have been desperate....

Rachel Kate said...

how much spare time do you have to go around counting words in people's Wordless posts?

Rachel Kate said...

oh, that wasn't an insult to males btw when I said that they must have been dumb to set the alarm off and not steal my amp :)

jacksta said...

laugh-out-loud to the both of you!
Sorry 'bout you car. Theives suck!

PaisleyJade said...

you crack me up you guys... sorry about your car Rach.

Rachel Kate said...

well i'm glad we can entertain people :) that's always a bonus!

I'm Betty said...

stink to hear rach, ive got a female in mind where i wouldnt put it past her to steal a tampon or two..... bless her, hope insurance comes to the party!

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